In this trimester, you will notice an increase in energy levels. This is the ideal time to accomplish significant tasks, as your energy levels can fall again in the third trimester. Some women may experience fatigue this semester too but it will be less in comparison to the first and third trimesters.
The tiredness that you felt in the first trimester will surface again. Along with it, you may also face issues regarding frequent urination, sleep deprivation, and the difficulties of carrying an additional weight of the baby.
Here are a few ways by which you can energize yourself and combat tiredness to some extent.
Take an ample amount of sleep and rest to reduce fatigue. Going to bed early and taking a good nap in the daytime will provide sufficient to your body. Avoid drinking fluids two hours before sleep time as it will prevent visits to the loo and interruptions in sleep.
If you go to work at this stage, then you need to reduce your work schedule so that you don’t feel exhausted at work. This includes reducing work hours or asking your family, and friends to support you with housework.
Eat a nutrition-rich meal as it will boost your energy levels. Include more amounts of iron, calories, and protein to prevent fatigue. Along with the fluid, make sure you drink plenty of water. This is necessary because your body needs water to transport nutrients to different parts of the body. So, stay adequately hydrated throughout the pregnancy.
Light yoga poses, and simple stretches can help energize your body. Ask your doctor to suggest some pregnancy-friendly exercises that you can incorporate into your lifestyle. In addition to increasing energy levels, exercise can also help detoxify the body, reduce anxiety, and uplift your mood too. It can help you manage body weight and regulate bowel movements in the body. Doing low-impact exercise daily will improve blood flow in the body so that you feel less tired during the day.
In pregnancy, you feel warmer due to changes in hormones and a rise in blood flow to the skin. This can increase sweating and tiredness in your body. Some of the tips to deal with this condition are:
Author: Dr. Iram Gill
Dr. Iram Gill is an MBBS doctor by profession and a Content Writer by passion. She is a mother as well and has observed the health-related challenges faced by mothers and babies. She wants to play her part in increasing access and support for breastfeeding and maternal health problems.