Breast Tenderness:
Your breasts will probably be sore throughout the first trimester. Going up a bra size (or more) and wearing a support bra can make you feel more comfortable. You probably won’t go back to your regular bra size until after your baby is finished nursing. Bras are available on the NextMamas site to help you face this problem without any pain.
During Pregnancy a female feels acid reflux that can be reduced by
Mood swings:
Increased fatigue and changing hormones can put you on an emotional roller coaster that takes you from joyous to miserable, or from hopeful to terrified in a matter of seconds. It's OK to cry, but if you feel overwhelmed, try to find an understanding ear. You can talk to your partner, a friend, a family member, or even a professional.
Morning Sickness:
For some pregnant women, nausea is mild. Others can't start their day without vomiting Nausea is usually worse in the morning (hence the name, "morning sickness"). To calm your nausea, try eating small, bland, or high-protein snacks (crackers, meat, or cheese) and sipping water, clear fruit juice (apple juice), or ginger ale. You may want to even do this before you get out of bed. Avoid any foods that make you sick to your stomach. Nausea itself isn't anything to worry about, but if it’s severe or just won’t go away, it can affect the amount of nutrition your baby gets. Call your doctor if you can't stop throwing up or can't keep down any food.
Weight gain:
During the first trimester, you should gain about 3-6 pounds (your doctor may suggest you adjust your weight gain up or down if you started your pregnancy underweight or overweight). Although you're carrying an extra person, you really aren’t eating for two. You only need about an extra 150 calories a day during the first trimester. Get those calories the healthy way, by adding extra fruits and vegetables, milk, whole-grain bread, and lean meat to your diet.
Frequent Urination:
Your baby is still pretty small, but your uterus is growing and it's putting pressure on your bladder. As a result, you may feel like you have to go to the bathroom all the time. Don't stop drinking fluids -- your body needs them -- but do cut down on caffeine (which stimulates your bladder), especially before bedtime. When nature calls, answer it as soon as you can. Don't hold it in.
Your body is working hard to support a growing baby. That means you’ll get tired more easily than usual. Take naps or rest when you need to during the day. Make sure you're getting enough iron. Too little can lead to anemia, which can make you even more tired.
White Discharge:
It's normal to see a thin, milky white discharge (called leukorrhea) early in your pregnancy. You can wear a panty liner if it makes you feel more comfortable, but don't use a tampon because it could put germs into your vagina. If the discharge smells really bad, if it’s green or yellow, or if there's a lot of clear discharge, call the doctor.
During pregnancy, high levels of the hormone progesterone slow down the muscle contractions that normally move food through your system. Add to that the extra iron you're getting from your prenatal vitamin, and the result is uncomfortable constipation and gas that can keep you feeling bloated throughout your pregnancy. Eat more fiber and drink extra fluids to keep things moving more smoothly. Physical activity can also help.
These are the changes with a few tips provided by NextMamas team to help you find this time period most amazing.
Author: Dr. Iram Gill
Dr. Iram Gill is an MBBS doctor by profession and a Content Writer by passion. She is a mother as well and has observed the health-related challenges faced by mothers and babies. She wants to play her part in increasing access and support for breastfeeding and maternal health problems.
Wajiha said:
January 25, 2025